7/56 How do we go from Orphans to Heirs?

So how do we heal the deep wounds that developed into the Orphan Spirit?  How can we allow the Holy Spirit to do the work Jesus was sent to do?   How do we heal the Orphans and grow them into the treasured child of God?  Here are a few suggestions you might want to apply in your own life:

  1. Forgive parental authority for misrepresentation of the Father’s love. This is non-negotiable!!Linda 1

Matthew 18 – Tormentors are released when we hold unforgiveness.

Psalms 45: 10-11 “Hear, O daughter, consider, submit, and consent to my instruction: forget also your own people and your father’s house; So will the King desire your beauty; because He is your Lord, be submissive and reverence and honour Him.”

Let go of your identity that has been formed in your father and mother’s house that was not in line with the Father’s heart. Focus your life on the Father.

  1. There may be a need for you to seek forgiveness from your mother and father / step parents or parental authority.

For orphans to only forgive people may not be enough. Often we need to practice the ministry of restitution. If our attitudes, behaviour, actions, have hurt another person we may need to go to them and ask them to forgive us.

Orphans only know of their own pain. They do not see the pain they cause others.

As an orphan you can still be honouring your parents.  You can stop judging them. You can determine to say the right things, etc. BUT you might still have uncrucified areas in your heart.  You honour them, say good things to and about them, BUT you keep them out of your heart.

Cold / guarded love will stop your growth in the Lord.  Pride: When you are more convinced about what people think than what God thinks.

Orphans do not have enough basic trust in the Father’s love to meet their needs when they are being attacked.

They try and protect themselves by using tactics such as attack, justify, blame shift, get the focus off me, separate, close their hearts to the attacker.  Orphans justify staying away from their parents because they believe parents are ‘so critical’!

  1. We need to acknowledge our need to be a son or daughter to someone. We need to acknowledge our need to submit to a physical father / mother before we can have a spirit of submission to a spiritual Heavenly Father.

Here are some suggestion to help you on this journey:

a. Ask God to reveal to you each way you have brought hurt or offense to

others. (see Psalm 139:23, 24) You must forgive spiritual and governmental authorities

b. Ask mature spiritual leaders who know you personally to speak admonition

into your blind spots.

c. Ask forgiveness for how your immaturity, attitudes, actions, or neglect has

caused hurt or offense in others.

d. Ask the spiritually mature person to whom you are accountable to meet with

you weekly or monthly.

Adapted from ‘The Orphan Heart’ by Kanaan Ministries, River of Life Family Church, Pastor Edward Gibbens.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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