7/60 Everyone starts with Imperfections

tithing“….but everyone will start out with problems….”

Father God knew we would start out our lives with inherited faults and problems. Because of the inherited sin from Adam and Eve, everyone would be born into a world without perfect parents. Everyone would have some experience with relations and siblings who weren’t always going to be kind and loving. Even peers would judge us and reject us based on what they thought they saw. Mixed in with the joy of a newborn would always be some fear, envy, resentment or rejection.

but Father God knew that would happen too.

In fact, His foreknowledge planned ahead for the corruption of His perfect creation. No one in all of mankind’s history – except for Adam and Eve – would begin life with a perfect environment. Nor would anyone find perfect circumstances later in life. We would all suffer testings and trials.   God would give us, through His Word, many principles that would guide us through pain and sorrow.

So why would a God of love allow such sufferings? Remember the pattern of “Ruin and Redemption”? Mankind was going to bring evil into God’s paradise and have to suffer the consequences. You might say that this isn’t fair, but it is just.

Wouldn’t it be great though, to be able to wipe it all away and start with a “clean slate”? … to be able to say “Once I was corrupt, but now I am different, a new creature.” This is exactly what Father God planned to do for us through the Lord Jesus.

Let me tell you a story about Lady Norma Glen:

A pastor visited a dying, old lady in her hovel of a run-down home. It was dark and badly needed repairs. The old woman lay on a thin mattress and smelled of coming death. Pastor Norman listed patiently to the old women’s confession and her heart-warming story.

She had once served as a royal lady in waiting to the fifth daughter of the now dead king. New people had entered the next king’s service and she had been forgotten.

With tears rolling down her eyes, she told the pastor that her most prised possession was hanging in a frame over her old stove.

The paster went to get it for her and was amazed at what he saw.

“Do you know what this says?” He asked her.

“No, I never learned to read.”

Pastor Norman explained her prise possession: “This gives you a guaranteed wages, beautiful house, grounds and servants in gratitude for your service to the Lady Madison!”

So many Christians as just like Lady Norma. Few have been taught their place in the Lord’s kingdom or Marcus about to go underknow their rights under the Lordship of Jesus. Do you?

Can you tell me 10 things you gained from the Life, Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus?

What did He purchase for you when His precious blood was shed? How is the Lord being at the right hand of Father God helping you? Interesting questions ….

We have all been given many great and precious promises through Jesus – only to continue to live our life as though we were paupers. When we come to Jesus, it’s like we find a new beginning, that clean slate. Most of us are in the process of discovering what our inheritance in Christ really is….and what this means in the reality of our day to day life.

Continue with us as we look at what the deeper growth can be as we learn that we are more than conquerors and that we are adopted into His family.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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