7/9 Destructive Self-Talk of Slave Thinking

When we use the term ‘self-talk’ we are talking about the ‘inner chatter’ that goes on in our mind constantly.  It is mostly subconscious – automatic, reoccurring, often negative or condemning and destructive.

Most self-talk begins in our childhood, when we take in what other important people, say about us.  If we still believe their negative words, it become out inner dialogue of what we think is truth about us today as well as back then.

The following are some common Destructive Self-talk statements.  See if you can catch the thought and the number of times you thought it in one day.

1. “I have to do a perfect job or what’s the use of trying to do it at all?”All of Nothing thinking

2. “It’s always like …..” or “I’ll never do ……”Over-Generalizations of situation.

3. ”I know things are getting better but it will get worse again.”  – Disqualifying the positives by thinking of the worst.

4. “He must think that I’m not really very good at ……”Jumping to Conclusions

5. “The bills are too high and I’ll never make it through!”Magnifying difficulties while minimizing personal resources.      

6. “I feel worse this week so I must be losing ground.”  – Emotional Reasoning …. “I feel therefore it must be true.”

7. “If I make the beds just right than I can find time to visit my friend.”  – Rule making to gain treats.

8. “I must be hopeless and not living right for this problem to happen.”  – Personalizing things and take false responsibility. “If only I acted differently in that event, it’s my fault it went all wrong….”

9. “I can’t go to sleep at night if the house is a mess or the dishes aren’t done.” – Trying to be (unrealistic) perfect or over doing tasks until they ‘feel’ done.

10. “I must be liked by every person in my life or I’m rejected by everyone.”  – Compulsion to feel like by everyone.

11. “I’ll never have enough strength….time…resources to be able to make it happen.”  Or “I can’t cope when anything bad happens to me.”  – Unrealistic fears, doubts or uncertainties.

12. “I’ll never be able to face conflict so I’ll just hide, etc….”  – Passive, avoidance, inaction as response to conflict.

13. “If only other people wouldn’t ….I’d be alright.”  Or “It’s all my mother’s fault that I am …..”  – Blame or false accusation.

14. Other thoughts that are your own negative cycles?

Anything else you catch yourself thinking?

Watch what thought happen in your mind over this next week and catch any ‘slave thinking’ and renew your mind to what the Word says about you.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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