7/33 One Stronghold that Blocks Growth – the Occult

 In each of the following posts, we will lay out one or more bondages or ‘Stronghold’ areas, where Satan takes us ‘captive’.  One of the things we need to confront in our spiritual growth toward sonship is the areas of our life that have been touched or influenced by the world outside God’s kingdom.  Involvement in the Occult is the first area we want you to think through.

Today we begin with the Occult.

A. Definition of the Occult

The fundamental definition of the word ‘occult’ is ‘something hidden’, where spiritual truth is covered over.  It can cause intrigue and arouse curiosity of the unknown, especially relating to the Demonic Supernatural World.  The aim of Satan is to tempt us with the power to control our natural world through supernatural means.  This includes the temptation to develop ‘mental powers’, to try to know the future, control our lives and others, often for selfish interests or desires.

Many examples of the occult can be found:  fortune telling, palm reading, black or white witchcraft, astrology, clairvoyance, ESP, hypnosis, charms, yoga, martial arts etc.  It is a fast growing area of so-called entertainment in our world today, with TV shows, video games, the Internet, films and board games.

B. What is wrong with the Occult?

1. It is contact with an un-Godly power-source

2. It operates outside God’s protection

3. The results do not cause a deeper walk with God

4.  It does not give glory or praise to God

5. The motives are often questionable

6. Any contact with the Occult will cost us something

7. It opens the door to a counterfeit of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

8. It offers a false security and empty promises

9. It brings a curse from God on us, and possibly our children

10. Such choices cause blockages to hearing from God

The temptation presented to Eve by Satan was “to become like God”, to reach her ‘full potential’ – but without God.   Humans still try to do this; we have attempted to control and predict the future ever since the Garden rebellion.

C. God’s warning against Occult involvement

There are many, many warnings and judgements against the occult in the Word of God (Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Leviticus 19:31; Exodus 20:5-6; Isaiah 9:19; Acts 19:19; Galatians 5:19-21; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; Revelation 21:8)

Some ignorant people take the extremely dangerous view that the occult is “… just games without any real power”.  The power is real – but we have an even greater power on our side! 

Because this is such a big area in our world today, we all needs to stop and ask the Lord about any area of Occult involvement we may have had in our life.  Remember it isn’t Eastern verses Western mindsets or medicines; bot can be from the Occult!  Nor it is a matter of your computer game versus murder mysteries on TV; both can be Occult!

We covered some of this material when we posted our last series: Challenges to the Christian Faith.  Check out the following:

Christian Foundations presents a Special Report on the Occult – http://christianfoundations.jesus-treeoflife.info/?p=702

4/8 A Personal Story – My Involvement with the New Age – http://christianfoundations.jesus-treeoflife.info/?p=666

In one of  our next posts, we shall cover what we believe is the listing of the common Occult activities in our world – and in our churches – today.  Join us then.
In the meantime, spent some time with the Lord and see what He considers Occult in your life that you need to deal with NOW!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author



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