4/8 A Personal Story – My Involvement with the New Age

We have been looking at the concepts of the New Age as a Challenge to the Christian faith of or Western culture.  So far, we have defined what we mean by the New Age.  We have seen where it has come from.  Then we went onto seven basic principles of the New Age teachings.   We saw some of the more common roads the New Age has used to get into our lifestyle, our schools, universities, medicines and subtlety into almost every area around us.


In doing the research for this series on the New Age, I am taken back to the 60’s and 70’s in my own life, the years of my 20’s and 30’s.  I realise that some of this material I have shared with you, my readers, has been my own story…some of these truths have been my journey!


I left my somewhat sheltered somewhat Christian home and small country town in the late 60’s and 70’s and ventured into a whole new world at Oregon State University.  My roommates knew a freedom I had never seen or been exposed to.  I met new people from so many background, enjoying talks well into the early hours of the morning.

I entered a new world of politics, being exposed to the anti-war Viet Nam marches.  I went to parties with this ‘funny smell’ – pot – drifting through the air.

During my summer breaks, I was exposed to several Communes in the country, where the hippy lifestyle was practiced.  Free love and the ‘Flower Children’ were common sights during those months.  (Funny though how it was always the women who cleaned up the kitchens.)

Even though I did try a Christian church on campus, I was disappointed at the lack of concern for this wandering and lost lamb, so I admit, I chose to drift away from the Christian values I knew.  It took me 10 years to get back to the God of grace and peace that I once knew.

I had friends who followed the alternative medicine view and some who were into societies where secret business was practiced.  Since my dad was in one such group, I was invited to be involved with ‘Job’s daughters’.

I knew of certain people who claimed to be ‘white witches’ on campus.  I attended Encounter Groups as classes and found a new view of myself, a new potential for my own growth. Those were exciting days!

However, I also found that my Creator was doing amazing things among the Christians that I knew at home. Down through history, every time God begins something new for His people, the enemy comes along and tries to counterfeit the same things.

The ‘Charismatic movement’ swept through my home town.   My local church started family camps where some of the best know speakers would come and share their walk with God.  I some found the new reality with my Creator well overrode any New Age views of my roommates.

Having gone through my journey in ‘flirting’ with the New Age, I found a better reality with my Creator and now walk in His ways.  I have seen the darkness and prefer the light.


1.   Here is Roy R. Story

(Names and events are changed to protect the people involved!)

Roy R. left the his home church sadly disillusioned with ‘the talk didn’t match the walk’ judgements.  So he tried several alternative therapies, especially using the practice of divination as he deeply wanted to find the answers for other people.  He learned holistic methods such as Reiki and of Psychic Healing.  He felt was helping people find health.

As he began to see holes in some of the logical theory of such practices.  The real issue is not whether a therapy worked or not.  Remember Pharaoh’s magicians did miracles in Moses’ day. Success is not the measuring stick of God’s approval. We must question whether supernatural phenomena comes from God; if not, there will be bad spiritual consequences.

However, he began to realize:

a) He was too sucked into alternative methods to hear God or pray for others anymore. He had lost his anointing to work with God’s gifts.

b) Even if it was OK for him, what about those following him?

c) How did the ‘knowing’ come? Who gets the praise when it works?

It is easy to be deceived.   So Roy laid down the practices as they didn’t match what he was beginning to understand; there was a real spiritual world out there.

We have heard other stories, too numerous to mention here.  People who began to pay the price when they stepped into this spiritual world with the Lord protection.  Their life was worse than before.

Such some people have learned how to use the New Age movement for their financial gains or for their reputations….but where is the Creator in this venture?

Here is another comment from parents wanting to do the best for their children:

“We chose the …….. school because it seems so peaceful for my child, so caring, especially in comparison to the noisy state school down the road. Their emphasis on self-determination and spiritual awareness was just what he needed to bring out the best in him.”

They enrolled the child without looking at the roots of the Steiner School.  We would urge caution in the way parents approach alternative schools and know their philosophy before they step through the door.


So why should be so concerned about this topic when many people swear that they found their healing for enlightenment through such practices?  Please note is NOT a matter of Eastern practices versus Western practices.

Some ‘Western practices’ may be just as idolatrous as their Eastern counterpart. We have worked with many clients who have needed to find release from this demonic power source they found in Western philosophies as well ….in order to follow the Lord Jesus.

There is only One authorised, legitimate power source in this universe, Creator God.  Any other power source exposes us to another spiritual dimension.  This other ‘kingdom’ has set itself up against God and all He stands for.  As a result, this other kingdom is rebellious, demonic and outside God’s protective covering.

The Bible has much to say about some of these areas. 

Deuteronomy 18:10 -12 says this:

“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.  Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, …”

In our next post, we present some statements for you to think through about your own personal belief system.

Join us then,

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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