3/6b What is the Dispute between Evolution and our Christian Foundations?

Welcome back to our discussion on Evolutions versus Creation by Intelligent design.  So far, we have defined Evolution and how this compared to the Christian beliefs we have learned and followed at a heart level. 

So we continue with this post looking at the heart of the dispute and how these two ‘religions’ compare.



There is no disagreement today between Evolutionists and Creationists that a male and female fish will have offspring that grow up into fish and not ‘oranges’.

What is in dispute is whether fish has always be fish or will become something else in the future.   Evolutionists say fish became amphibians, which in turn became reptiles, and then reptiles became mammals. This is totally contrary to what God said happened in the days of Creation.

Of course most evolutionists would also claim that there is no God or Intelligent Design behind life on Earth –  and never was.


Creation and Evolution both attempt to explain how life developed into such amazing diversity. Following are some comparisons between the theory of Evolution and the Biblical fact of Creation:



1. The Earth was created by God in 6 days.

1. The Earth coalesced from debris
from the Big Bang.

2. All the different types of living things we have today were created by God on days 3-6 of ‘Creation’.

2. Life began with one-celled creatures developing from a ‘soup’ of chemicals.

3. Each type of animal or plant was
created true to its form in the first place.

3.   Plants and animals developed from single-celled creatures over millions of years.

4.   Original kinds of animals had a large gene pool.

4.   Original ‘creature’ had small gene pool.

5. The Earth is only 6-10,000 years old.  Many dating systems support young Earth.

5. The Earth is appr. 4.5 billion years old. Radioactive dating systems support old earth.

6. New ‘kinds’ of animals are only the same creatures with smaller, different combinations of gene pools, thus different features (ex. different dogs but same genes)

6. New kinds of animals start by
mutation and take over a ‘niche’ in the ecosystem by natural selection.
Increase in gene pool.

7. Most fossils developed when living things were suddenly covered by Noah’s Flood (i.e. same time).  Fossils are in different places due to buoyancy or size selection.

7.   Fossils are laid down in sequence. The oldest fossils are furthest down in the rock, and the youngest are near the surface (different times).

8. Rock can form quickly.

8. Rock forms slowly

9. Fewer species exist today. The Great Flood with Noah killed many different species.

9. More species should be developing all the time.

10. Universe is controlled by God, but probably is ‘running down’ due to the coming of the End Times.

10. Universe is becoming more

As we can see, there is a huge number of differences between what the Bible reports as truth and what the Evolutions believe and teach in our media and schools.


There are many respectable organizations presented the facts and beliefs to refute evolution.  I will include some as we progress through this series on the Second Greatest Challenge to Christian Foundation – Evolution.

www.creation.com     I would highly recommend their magazine, ‘Creation’.  The article approach the discussion of Evolution from a scientific as well as a Biblical standpoint.  In fact, many Evolutionists and atheists read the magazine for the excellent articles on many subjects.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author

www. christianfoundations.jesus-treeoflife.info

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