#8. Readers Response: “Compromises in the real Message”

Why Don’t You Go to Church?  “Compromises in the real Message”

“I don’t know if you have noticed how organised religion keeps compromising in an effort to keep people in the church. I am not referring to one specific religion either.

“If you are part of the religion, these compromises are probably the most logical thing to do. However, looking in from the outside, sometimes I can only shake my head.  What do they really believe and stand for?

“I remember when one either accepted the truth of the gospel… or they didn’t.  We didn’t try 15 different ways to make the message more acceptable.  It wasn’t ‘add another program for the youth.”  or “Try another music celebration to attract the community.”  or ”
Just preach harder to your neighbours.”  

Jesus is and was Jesus; His truth doesn’t change! ….but we try to make His message fit all – even those who don’t believe.  Then we loose the power of the Holy Spirit to convict when we try to ‘convence’ others we are right.  I gave up trying to fit their mold.” 

Comments by Jackie


We invite you to add your comments to the posts as we go along.  Agree?  …or disagree? … What do you think? 

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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