A Story from the Counselling Room

girl1We have already mentioned Sally – not her real name of course. She was born into and grow up with a very fractured, Linda 1disorganised home. Her parents, products of a dysfunction background added to her misery. Dad and his issues seemed to dominate the home. He would take his frustrations out on the dog, her Mom and on her – when he was home.

Mom was the main breadwinner but her hours were long and tiring. With 5 children at home – Sally being the youngest, there never seemed enough to go around.

When Sally and her 4 siblings wanted to go to the local Kid’s Church, her parents said yes, more out of wanting to be rid of them than for any concern in their religious education.

At 16, Sally accepted the Lord and was water baptised. Her parents reluctantly went along because she begged them and promised to do extra chores at home. It was a grand day for Sally as she proclaimed her faith to everyone.

As the years past, again sad to say, there was little in the way of nurturing or help her grow in her faith. By her twenties, faith has slipped and was overgrown by the worldly ways around her.

….but she remembered the days of the Lord….

At University, she joined a rather exclusive group who prided themselves in their logical ways at looking at the world. Parties and Uni professors often visited their nice home and so, one thing led to another…. Her place in the group was solid, especially after dating … and sleeping with one of the professors.

…but still there was a sense of not belonging ….

After Uni, a job separated her from these light-hearted friends. At first, she kept in touch but soon, their friendship faded away.

She would remember a time when she felt loved and belonged … even for a little while. It was here that she came to see me and we open the provable ‘Pandora’s box’.

After filling in some of the holes from her scant Bible teaching, we landed on the topic of being adopted into God’s Family. “Adopted”, she repeated. “I wonder what that would feel like?” So Sally began to seek God and His views on Adoption.

Her next month’s homework was to surround herself with the world of adoption – both in the natural and in the spiritual. She discovered she had a new room mate who had been adopted into a wonderful family. As the concept of her friend’s jouney unfolded, Sally began to wonder more … “What would that fell like?” That became our prayer more and more. We wanted the reality of being adopted into God’s family now just the head news or fluffy idealism. Real adoption meant what?

One day, the Holy Spirit broke through the old Heart’s rejections and abandonments. She literally beamed as she girl at sunsetwalked in the door. “I’ve got it!” she proclaimed.

She had so stepped into His Good News that Adoption was now a reality for Sally. She had found a new name, a new relationship with Jesus – both Brother and Lord – and a new destiny. She was headed to a new home one day but until then, she was to be His Ambassador.

Sometimes, it takes those from a truly broken home to really appreciate the concept of adoption into the family of Father God! May you, dear reader, find this great news as well!

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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