Keys to Hearing God’s Voice

As we learn to become more and more to develop that servant Heart as we follow Jesus, growth will happen.  We grow from the slavery thoughts and behaviours of the world into a new way of looking at life!  This information is so important we have dedicated a whole blog to the subject!

We have stressed how important this is for all Jesus Followers!  Here is one of the founding teachers in this area: Mark Virkler and his book: “4 keys to Hearing God’ Voice”.  See where you are in hearing from the Lord and how you can expand your walk with Him. 


Based on the highly popular and successful book, How to Hear God’s Voice, this exciting new book emphasizes the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice.

 “When I learned to hear God’s voice after 11 years as a believer without it, every part of me was radically transformed. Thousands have told me they have had this same metamorphosis, and I believe that this will become your testimony also,” writes co-author, Mark Virkler.

The keys that are examined, discussed in detail, and can be immediately applied to your life are: First, how to recognize God’s voice as spontaneous thoughts.  Second, we need to learn how to become still before the Lord.  Third, learn to look for vision as you pray.  The fourth way is by realizing the importance of two-way journaling.

Filled with insights from years of hearing from God, 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice also includes visual aids that enhance the teaching and learning experience. Very reader-friendly, you will find that the concepts and principles are easily adapted to your personal circumstances and lifestyle.

Designed to bring even more depth to your relationship with God, this book is part of an integrated package that includes a DVD and seminar guide for either individual or group study. Either as a stand-alone book or as part of a package, you are sure to gain valuable encouragement and motivation to seek intimate communication with God, your heavenly Father.

You can buy this book here on my code: Free postage anywhere in the world!


Here is another YouTube presentation in case it helps clarify the ‘what and how’

Then here is a third view from YouTube on “How to Practice hearing His voice:”

We have presented this information for your growth but as the video pointed out, to make something real in our life, we need to practice, practice and practice!

Susanne Fengler. Blog Author

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