September 30th, 2015
Here are some of the contrasts in being an Orphan and a Treasured Child in your view of our Creator God:
An Abandoned Orphan
A Treasured Child
Independent / self reliant
interdependent / acknowledge our need for Him and others.
Strive for praise, approval and acceptance of people out of doing
Totally accepted in God’s love and justified by His grace. |
Self-rejection and comparisons with others, feeling humiliated at mistakes |
Motivated by deep gratitude of unconditional love and acceptance by God with humility. Read more... (315 words, 1 image, estimated 1:16 mins reading time)
Tags: orphan versus treasured
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
September 22nd, 2015
When we grow from being a slave to the world’s way of thinking and behaving, we begin to see more and more your true inheritance that comes from our relationship with Jesus Christ. By seeing what is in our Heart, we can change our thinking and behaving, which brings new growth.
If you feel you have stepped over that line from Slave to being a Steward for God, here is your Birth Certificate! I would suggest you print it off, think about it and then, when you are ready, sign and date this declaration. Read more... (375 words, 2 images, estimated 1:30 mins reading time)
Tags: Birth cert - slave to stewart
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »
September 7th, 2015
In Stage 4, we make another leap jump in our faith – from being just a Steward in His House …. to
being aware that we are His child, adopted into His family and growing into being an heir with Him. What a difference mindset!
However, it is here that we most often have to face an ‘Orphan spirit’ and learn what it means to be Welcomed and Adopted into God’s family. This is a transition from being ‘just a Steward’ when we are the servant and He is the Owner and Master of all things. Certainly He is that – Owner and Master of all things – but when we move into this stage of our Christian growth, we see a new and different relationship to that Owner. Read more... (533 words, 2 images, estimated 2:08 mins reading time)
Filed under: From Slave to Sonship | No Comments »