7/48 Summary of our Series on Slave to Bride

 chains6Perhaps it would help us to continue with a quick Review on the Stages of Growth as we can go through as we journey into ‘the New Creation’ in Jesus: We can see at least 7 different terms relating to our standing in Jesus’ Kingdom. These general stages can overlap but the overall direction needs to be growth upward through the stages.

So far in our Christian Foundations blog, we have discussed how we all began our walk with Jesus in Stage 1 as ‘Slaves’ to the world’s way of looking at life. Satan is the Slave Master Driver in the world’s kingdom of darkness. We have learned from those around us and how they handled the pains and pleasures that come into life – from parents, family, peers and the world. We all lived in and were caught up in the worlds’ way of thinking, their values, norms and expectations. However, most often these are not the ways of a loving Father God and His best for us.

However, Creator God has a Great Plan to lift us from Satan’s kingdom. So begins our journey as Jesus Followers. We begin to see the difference between the kingdom of the world and God’s Kingdom …. and we continue to chose growth in Him.

Entering God’s Kingdom, we are delivered from powers of darkness, Colisions 1:13.  We are set free from power of sin, Romans 6:7, 22, 8:2, Galatians 5:1, freed from the evils of this world, dead to sin and the world, able to defeat the world and free from condemnation. Galatians 4:7 makes it clearer: “So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and since you are a son, God has made you an heir.”

In Stage 2: It’s like ‘rising from the mud’ of deceived thinking and behaving into what….? For some the road to maturity in Jesus goes slow as they search for their new identity in Christ. For others with good mentors, the journey is less stressful.

Learning to catch the heart lies we still believe and changing our thinking patterns takes trust and patience. It certainly takes dedicated time with the great Teacher, the Holy Spirit. This is a time of new experiences and new ways of dealing with the issues of life.

Sad to say, some people never learn the next growth jump; they stay locked in the lies and doubts, fears and unforgiveness of a slave.

Next, Stage 3 – the most common form of commitment to Christ is the Servanthood stage. Most believers begin their journey into the church world by serving, doing programs, doing as asked by church leaders and authorises. We do need to keep this attitude of being a servant as we continue to grow. The difference is we are growing into being a servant of Christ, obedient to His will rather than religion, organised programs, etc. Many great church activities can be without His directions or blessings.

In this Stage, we feel ‘in His Majesty’s Service’ but where? Here comes the next challenge – which ‘church box’ do we settle with? The challenges of the religious systems of ‘church’ and legalism can sap our spiritual enthusiasm but there is a way through.

Most often, people stay with the group that lead them to the Lord. If we are grown, fed and allowed to step into our gifts with this group, we will continue to grow into Godly stewardship. However, some people must leave this group and find new roots – or continue to ‘church shop’ aiming to find the perfect church. The problem grows if we see our identity and purpose set with stewardship versus learning what it means to be a born again Jesus follower.

However, are we orphans in the servant system or …..? Do we serve because this is our identity in the church or are we serving because we are in relationship with the Creator?

In Stage 4, we make another leap jump in our faith when we face that ‘Orphan spirit’ and learn what it means toadopted be Welcomed and Adopted into God’s family.

For many Christians, this means realising that they need to start at ‘babyhood’ in their understanding of God’s greatness. We learn as a baby to be loved and allow Him to love us. Our view of Fatherhood is challenged and remoulded into who God really is.

This jump happens as we make a choice to live our life by what Jesus really taught – not by what organised, religious systems tell us He taught.

Stage 5: From babyhood and being a child into being a young son. It is at this stage of our growth we want to see what it means to be a child of God rather than ‘just a servant of God’. We are Adopted into His family – He did predestined us to be adopted, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:23, 9:4. John 1:12 “To as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the child of God.” Romans 8:15, we are given ‘a spirit of sonship’.

Yet a child of God, we still need tutoring, minding and disciplining. Galatians 4:1-7 tells us that although an Heir, the child is subject to guardians (read this one!) God’s calling, gicting and anointing often are found in this stage as well.

Again, sad to say, many stay in the ‘system church’ and continue as ‘orphan-servants’. … or some return to ‘Egypt’ and journey through their own ‘pigpen experience’. … or sadder still, face burnout and leave their faith and walk away from the Creator of life. We are glad that our growth as a Jesus Follower doesn’t stop there.

Stage 6 – Taking responsibility for the Kingdom, calling, gifting & Anointing. Remember growth is to be upward, from being a child and feeding on milk to that of a mature son. This is Stage 6, becoming Mature and a Joint heir with Christ – Ambassadors, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Priest and a King unto God – Revelation 1:6, 1 Peter 2:9. A child will grow into Sonship, to take on responsibilities in God’s kingdom. Galatians 4:5, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:14.

But some believers don’t finish there!

bride2Stage 7 is The Bride of Christ – Is it possible that not all Christians are part of the bride? We see different groups of people at the wedding supper of the Lamb: Matthew 25:1, the 10 wise and ten foolish virgins, friends of the Bridegroom – John 3:29, onlookers and even strangers in the wrong clothes at the wedding feast.

So who is the Bride of Christ, arrayed in fine clothes without spot or blemish?

So continue with us as we see what it really means to be Adopted into God’s Family, to become a Son or Daughter of the Most High God! We can grow out of being an ‘orphan-servant’ into what it means to know Him at a level of passion and purity.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author


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