Servanthood and Survival in Christian Foundations

As we look as Christian Servanthood, it is obvious htat some people survive and grow as His servants.  However, others my find ‘the dark night of the soul’ as they seek to follow the Lord.  Here are two YouTube comments on stress and survival.  The first is by Bill Hybels on wcavideo· as he talks about how he stays replenished while leading at high levels

Our second YouTube on the subject of stress and servanthood s from Church Leadership with Ron Vietti‘How Not To BURNOUT ! Effective Church Leadership’.  He here talks about the importance of not burning out as leaders.


We present these YouTube videos to help others avoid going down the path of burnout. As we have seen, the servant hood model Jesus left for us includes become a servant leader, choosing to do what is best for followers rather than caught in self-striving, self-serving game that leadership can become.  Being a servant means to begin to serve the people in your group, in your life as He leads.

Finding the Lord in handling the stress of leadership and being a servant is important.  He certainty wants us to grow into the peace and rest that is in Him.

Susanne Fengler, Blog Author

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